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Pictures  are   from  the  Late  1800's

Page Five





Owing to its extremely healthful surroundings, Deal is rapidly becoming a formidable rival to the larger South Coast watering places, and recognising this fact, the South Eastern Railway Company are now erecting a handsome hotel on the seafront, adjoining the castle, and directly facing the downs, certainly one of the finest situations on the Kentish seaboard. The Hotel which is rapidly approaching completion, forms one of the chief architectural features of the town, and has been designed especially to meet the requirements of the better class of health and pleasure seekers. The building, the erection of which has been entrusted th Mr, James Wise, the well known Deal builder, is of red Brick with facings of Anchaster stone, and it is being fitted throughout in the latest modern style, including electric lighting, lift to the upper floors, and every luxury and convenience that could possibly add to the comfort of visitors. In addition to the spacious dining and drawing rooms, the accommodation will  include suites of handsomely furnished public and private rooms, a well appointed billiard room, and about fifty bedrooms, most of which command views of the downs and shipping constantly moving up and down the channel.

  Needless to add, the cuisine will be placed in able hands; and it is the intention of the company to adopt the most liberal and advanced policy with  regard to the management. And in this connection, there is a point to which we would particularly draw the attention of the company to issue  weekend tickets, available for both rail and hotel, at extremely moderate, inclusive charges. Such an arrangement cannot fail to be widely appreciated by the public, and also must greatly tend to make Deal better known as a watering place, whilst at the same time enhancing the already growing popularity of the town as a favourite and fashionable health resort. The pleasure and benefit to be derived from a Friday or Saturday to Monday sojourn amidst such congenial

South Eastern Hotel Deal Kent

surroundings as are afforded at the new hotel cannot be overestimated, and much credit is certainly due to the Executive of South Eastern line for placing such solid inducement in the way of those requiring rest and change. Of the immediate and permanent success of the hotel there is not a shadow of doubt, and we feel confident that the establishment will be the means to inducing many to pay a visit to this interesting and historic locality.



Family and commercial, High Street Deal

Proprietor:  Mr. Edward J Spicer

In a town like Deal, so much frequented by visitors in pursuit of health, pleasure and business, a good hotel is not only important but indispensable, and for many years the old established “Black Horse” has occupied a good position as a family and commercial house. Mr. E J Spicer, since he took over the proprietorship of the hotel, about three years ago, has endeavoured to add its attractions by a thoroughly liberal system of management, and by making the convenience and comfort of guests his first consideration. The “Black Horse” is in fact one of the most popular commercial houses on the South Eastern Circuit, and has also the recommendations of quiet.  Neither trouble nor expense is spared to maintain and enhance the old-standing reputation of the house in every direction, and its proprietor is both a genial host and an experienced caterer.

Black Horse Hotel Deal Kent

 The “Black Horse” occupies a most central position in the High Street, close to the sea, the station, and the post office. It is a spacious building, containing one of the finest commercial rooms in the country, together with coffee, luncheon, and billiard rooms, all well appointed and admirably arranged; and there are also about twenty or more handsomely furnished bedrooms. As the head-quarters of the C.T.C the hotel is well known to cyclists, and there is capital lock up accommodation for machines. The cellars are well stocked with good brands of wines and spirits, etc, the attendance is all that could be desired, and the tariff is based upon an extremely moderate scale. We should mention, in conclusion that Mr. Spicer is

an active member of the town council, and takes a keen interest in all matters likely to advance the prosperity of Deal as a health and pleasure resort


Beach House Temperance Hotel Deal, Kent



Family and Commercial

Facing the South Esplanade Deal

Manager; Mr. Samuel R. Jefferson


To all who really love the sea and its manifold attractions Deal offers a most charming resort. The far-farmed Downs, with the ever moving panorama of shipping passing up and down the channel; the fresh ozone laden breezes wafted over thousands of miles of ocean; the beauty and interesting character  of the surrounding country—each combine to render the place one of the most delightful on the Kentish Coast. Hence it is that, year after year, the town becomes more and more popular as a watering place, vieing with more crowded centres for the patronage of those who prefer quiet rest and genuine enjoyment to mixing with the noisy throng so often congregated at so called “fashionable” health resorts.

  Occupying one of the finest positions on the sea front, with extensive and uninterrupted marine views from most of its windows, the Beach House Hotel affords at once one of the most

Convenient and most comfortable residential establishments to be found on the South East Coast. The house is a spacious edifice, as the illustration shows, having been built originally for some purpose in connection with the Admiralty. Many of the doors are of solid teak, and the building throughout is of the most substantial description. The rooms too, are spacious, beautifully decorated, and handsomely and comfortably furnished; in fact the entire arrangement of the place eminently fits it for the purpose of a first class private hotel, and no expense seems to

have been spared by the management in providing every comfort, and even luxury that could be desired by visitors.    The hotel has now been in operation under                     the experienced and very able management of Mr. Samuel R. Jefferson, since 1890, having long since attained an excellent reputation both for its cuisine and for its undeniably moderate tariff rate. There are about twenty three well appointed bedrooms, bath rooms supplied with hot and cold water, large commercial coffee rooms, private sitting rooms, and a nicely furnished drawing room facing the sea. The entrance hall, paved with white marble, is most spacious, with a wide galleried staircase leading to the chief upstairs apartments; and throughout the entire house the strictest cleanliness and good order prevail.  Mr. Jefferson, too, is indefatigable in his efforts to render all guests thoroughly at home, invariably doing all in his power to add to their comfort, convenience and enjoyment; so that the Beach House Hotel has now the benefit of a regular connection of visitors who come year after year, and not only that,  but who recommend their friends as well.

 The hotel is of course, close to the pier and bathing places; also within easy distance of the railway station, close to the shops, and an extremely convenient centre from which to make excursions by land or sea, many steamers calling at Deal during the season, en route for Calais, Boulogne, Ostend, Dover, Ramsgate, etc




Proprietors; Mr. & Mrs. T.J. CHANDLER


  Pleasantly and centrally situated right on the sea-front, Enfield House presents many attractive features as a marine boarding establishment, and ever since it was first opened by the present proprietors, Mr. and Mrs. T.J.Chandler, about ten years ago, its success has been a distinctly gratifying character, not a few visitors returning here summer after summer. The premises in which the engraving shows, are admirably adapted in every way for the purpose in which they are devoted, and command an uninterrupted view of the Downs and shipping, and

Enfield House Deal, Kent

they also have  the advantage of being close to the pier and the bandstand, and within two minutes walk of the towns principle shopping thoroughfare.    The house contains twenty costly furnished bedrooms for visitors, besides five and twenty additional rooms which are hired close by, together with spacious well appointed dining, drawing and smoking rooms, each overlooking the beach; the dining room being capable of seating over 100 guests; and there are likewise suitable recreation and bath rooms, and domestic offices. Mr. and Mrs. Chandler certainly do everything in their power to ensure the comfort and satisfaction of their visitors; providing a liberal table, which is supplied with the best of viands, and devoting themselves personally to the management, so as to secure thorough

efficiency. Bathing, boating, and angling can all be indulged in with the least possible trouble, for both machines and boats are available at less than a stone’s throw from the house? References can be given to the ladies and gentlemen who have been accustomed to stay here. The terms, at all times strictly moderate. Are considerably reduced during winter and spring; and it may not be out of place to mention, in this connection, that Deal presents many recommendatory features, even in the “off season” as a bracing and invigorating resort; whilst to those who love the sea in all its wayward moods, there are often exciting scenes to be witnessed from the beach during tempestuous weather, which will repay a visit to Enfield House.



High-Class Pension for Golfers; Sandown, Deal

Proprietor; Mr. Nelson Berry.


   Golf is a very ancient pastime, and would seem, of late years, to have taken quite a new lease of life and popularity, especially in the neighbourhoods of Deal and Sandwich, at each of which centres there are exceptionally fine “links”, or greens. The Cinque Ports golf Club, founded at Deal in 1892, now boasts a long list of influential members, many of whom, together with their friends, being non resident, might often find some difficulty in securing comfortable and convenient quarters, adjacent to the links, were it not for Mr. Berry’s establishment at Golf Villas.

Here every possible comfort and accommodation are provided for players and others in the snugly furnished villas, either en pension or in private apartments; and as there are in all about twenty one bedrooms and seven or eight sitting rooms, a considerable number of guests can be received during the season. In the illustration a portion of Golf Villas frontage to the sea can be viewed, but beyond the tennis and croquet lawn and garden.       Mr. Berry has another house, also with fine marine views, and further expects to increase the available accommodation at an early date. The situation is an eminently dry and healthy one; the club house and links are close at hand; and Golf Villas have also the further advantage of being

Golf Villas Deal Kent

within easy access of the town and all places of general resort; so that the establishment recommends itself not only to the lovers of “The Game” but also to gentlemen desirous either of enjoying quiet rest or congenial society. The terms at all times strictly moderate, are specially arranged to meet the requirements of members of golfing clubs; and we may say, in conclusion, that both in regards the cuisine and general domestic management, Mr. Berry’s establishment will be found to admirably suit those for whom its accommodation is designed.



Private Hotel and Boarding House

Beach Street Deal

Proprietors, Miss R E Wilson


  For at least one class of visitors to Deal, viz, artist, “Woodfull” should have a special and paramount interest,  for it was in this house that the immortal J> W> M> Turner lived during his period of residence in Deal—where he must have painted many of his chief works. For some time past “Woodfull” has been occupied as a private hotel and boarding house, being conducted under the proprietorship of Miss R. E. Wilson, who is a capital hostess and has had ample experience of good class requirements. The premises are situated right on the seafront, with  an entrance from Beach Street, and although altered to some extent to suit modern requirements, still retain much of that old world appearance and unconventionality of arrangement which have a distinct charm of their  own; whilst the resources of the place have been considerably extended, a fine handsome dining room has just been completed at considerable expense. Miss Wilson will now be able to receive a much larger number of guests than has therefore been possible. The new dining room, for example,  is planned to accommodate about one hundred persons at a sitting, and the bedrooms and other conveniences are also to be augmented. Comfortably furnished smoking and drawing rooms will likewise be available, and as most of the apartments mostly directly overlook the Downs and there is a wide balcony along the sea frontage of the building, which forms a delightful lounge,
”Woodfull” cannot but be considered as an extremely  pleasant place of residence. Adjoining the house is a private boat yard, and excellent boating and fishing may be had without charge, whilst close at hand are the Deal Golf Links, which, as is well known, rank amongst the best in the country. Indeed for anglers and golfers, “Woodfull” may be fairly said to constitute a very desirable headquarters, and Miss Wilson arranges special terms with visitors of this class. The establishment is also well patronised by families and general holiday makers, who will find their comfort and recreation catered for with equal efficiency.


South Esplanade, Deal

Proprietors; Miss Goddard


To the average seeker after health or pleasure at the seaside, Deal offers many inducements, not the least of which are the breezy Downs, with their constant succession of vessels passing to and fro, so close to land as to be almost

Dudley House Deal, Kent

within hailing distance. Everybody naturally wants to get on the front at Deal, and therefore there is commanding demand for accommodation in such a boarding establishment as Dudley House, of which Miss Goddard is the popular hostess.  This Well arranged establishment occupies one of the best and most convenient situations on the South Esplanade, directly facing the sea, and almost exactly opposite the entrance to the pier; and the house is, furthermore, only about five or six minutes walk from the station, and within easy reach of such places of resort as Walmer Castle, and the usual promenades and walks. Accommodation is provided during the season for about twenty to thirty visitors at Dudley House, both Miss Goddard and her sister doing everything in their power to render their guests stay in Deal as pleasant and beneficial as possible.    Comfort is one of the prevailing features of Miss Goddard’s ménage—comfort and strict cleanliness—to which we must certainly add the further very solid advantage of excellent catering. Indeed, appetites sharpened by the bracing air of Deal require

pretty regular attention, and the liberally furnished table becomes quite a sine qua non at such an establishment.  Miss Goddard is also strictly moderate with her terms and conditions in the season, whilst in the winter they are considerably reduced.



Mill Road, Deal

Proprietressess: The Misses Chitty

There are many who visit Deal for the sake of Quiet rest, to whom such an establishment as that conducted by the Misses Chitty presents most attractive features. The house itself, although close to the Railway Station and about ten minutes walk from the seafront, is amidst rural surroundings, and possesses a spacious, well laid out garden and lawn, the latter being available for tennis and croquet. It is a detached  double fronted villa residence of modern erection, containing most comfortable and very nicely furnished rooms, the

Deal Kent UK

accommodation afforded enabling Misses Chitty to receive about fifteen guests in the house, whilst arrangements can be made for half a dozen more sleeping  in adjacent apartments. The catering is plain but liberal, a substantial early dinner, with breakfast, tea, and supper, being served in capital style; this arrangement enabling visitors to make the most use of their time enjoying the many pleasures of outdoor life at Deal.

  The Misses Chitty are most genial and obliging ladies, always desirous of adding in any way to the comfort of their guests, their aim being to make their house more of a quiet, refined seaside home than a boarding establishment in the ordinary exception of the term. Myrtle Villa is, therefore, a favourite residence for gentlemen and ladies wishing to thoroughly enjoy a visit to this exceedingly healthy watering place. The terms, at all times of the most moderate and inclusive description are remarkably cheap during the off season, when Deal, if people only realized the fact, is actually at its best, and there can be no question that the management of the Misses Chitty is calculated to make their establishment a very popular resort.



Pier Parade, deal

Proprietress; Miss LA THANGUE


  Deal is not only an extremely pleasant and popular place in which to spend a holiday, it also holds a high reputation as a health resort, ,and, as such, is much recommended by the medical faculty to those of enervated constitutions, to whom the bracing and invigorating breezes of the Downs often mean a new lease of life. To enjoy the health giving ozone laden air to the fullest extent of course means securing quarters directly on the seafront, of which the establishment of “St, Olafs” is well situated, facing the entrance to the pier and commanding extensive views of the Downs and shipping, it is also within easy distance of all places of general resort in and around the town.  The house has recently undergone thorough repair and re-decoration, and has been most comfortably furnished throughout. The drawing room, dining room, etc; face the sea, and are remarkably pleasant apartments, the bedrooms are well appointed and beautifully clean, and every effort is made by the Proprietress to render the stay of visitors as enjoyable as possible. The terms, too, are remarkably moderate, and the cuisine all that could be desired. For golfers, and those fond of boating or fishing, and for visitors merely wishing to make the most of the summer vacation, St. Olafs will be fully appreciated as a most agreeable marine residence. Arrangements have been made to receive about twenty guests, and all particulars may be had by applying to Miss La Thangue at the house.



Middle Street, Deal

Proprietress: Mrs. R. D. Smith


Much of the pleasure otherwise derivable from a seaside holiday is often marred  by the almost inevitable sacrifice of many little comforts one is accustomed to in the home circle, and wich are not always forthcoming in the average lodging or boarding house.

   Norman House, of which Mrs. R. D. Smith is the popular hostess, scarcely poses as a regular “boarding establishment,” in the strict commercial acceptation of the term. From twelve to fifteen paying guests are received, quite en famille, the terms being strictly moderate and the accommodation offered being of a home like character. At the same time the catering is conducted on a liberal scale, four substantial meals being served daily, including an early dinner, so that the usual post-prandial outdoor amusements and recreations may not be curtailed or interfered with. Mrs. Smith is, indeed, indefatigable in her efforts to make her visitors feel thoroughly at home, and so interests herself in furtherance of their individual wishes and requirements as to render herself a universal favourite.

   Norman House is a comfortable old fashioned residence, situated about half a stones throw from the sea and within easy reach of the railway station, post office, shops, libraries, and all places of either interest or resort in the vicinity. The house itself is most comfortably furnished throughout and contains every convenience for either ladies or gentlemen, including a store-room for bicycles and tricycles. It is a capital place for lovers of sea angling, boating and other pastimes of a like character, and we may mention that it is a favourite resort of old boys from Deal College when re-visiting their alma mater. Mrs. Smith has also a wide connection. Inclusive terms are the rule, with reduced rates for winter and spring.


Thompsons Brewery Deal Kent
The old Mill Deal Kent

Messrs. THOMPSON & SON Walmer Brewery

Thompson & Son, Ltd.

Walmer Brewery

Founded  in the year 1816 by the late Mr. Edmund Thompson,. Although there is no evidence of this brewery having bwwn in existance prior to the date mentioned, we cannot but think that Walmer must have boasted a similar establishment, on a smaller scale at some period, and that Mr.Thompson's more important organisation was designed to replace and enlarge upon the latter.     the firm grew and developed a very widespread business, not only amongst the Trade, but with private families as well, in Deal, Walmer, Dover, Sandwich,Ramsgate,Margate, and throughout the towns and villages extending to a radius of about fifteen miles from this brewery. In addition to this, too, Messrs. Thompson & Son, Ltd. have very spacious maltings from which are sent out large quantities of malt annually to many parts of the South of England.

  The brewery buildings cover a large area of ground in the picturesque village of Upper Walmer. They are approached from the main Dover Road by means of a wide gateway entrance, with public and private offices on the left; and the entire range of premises, mostly of quite modern construction has been admirably planned throughout, strict cleanliness and good order being distinctly observable features in each department.

   The firms most well known trade mark, the South Foreland Lighthouse, is on bottled , draught and stout ales, and is looked upon as a guarantee of purity and excellence. The A.K.S. Bitter Ale will be found particularly a well flavoured tonic ale for general use; whilst the A.K. a cheaper ale, and the celebrated Indian Pale Ale, Light Dinner Ale, Stout and Cooper are also obtainable, in fine condition and in screw top bottles. The other products of the Walmer brewery consist of  X, XX and XXX Ales, of varying strengths, Double Stout, and Porter; whilst the firm also bottle large quantities of Bass's Ales in the best possible condition.

   We may menttion, that the brewery in now under the joint management of Mr. Arthur J. Matthews and his brother, Mr. W.P. Matthews, both of whom are both well known in Deal and Walmer. this is dated 1911


Thompsons Brewery Deal Kent

Brewery Yard

Thompsons Brewery Yard Deal, Kent

Exterior of the Brewery and Offices

Messrs. Hills & Son, Brewers Deal and Mongeham Breweries

Pictuures of shops below are all from the late 1800's


Mr. Frank F Cornford; Family Draper & Outfitter

King Street Sandwich

Deal Kent Shops from the late 1800's

Messrs. R. W. Rose & Son Tea and General Supplies

King Street Sandwich

Deal Kent Shops from the late 1800's

Messr's Giraud & Son, Stationers, Printers

Newsagents and Library

High Street & Park Street Deal

Deal Kent Shops from the late 1800's

John Pittock & Sons, Drapers & outfitters

Granville House, 49 & 51 High St Deal

Deal Kent Shops from the late 1800'sg

R G Long & Sons; Boot Makers & Warehousemen

10, 12 & 13 High St. Deal

Deal Kent Shops from the late 1800's
Martins shop Deal Kent

Mr Gilbert Martin Pastry cook & Confectioner

King Street Sandwich

Deal Kent Shops from the late 1800's

Coleman's Fruit & Veg Depot.Seed Merchant & Dairyman;  King Street Sandwich

Deal Kent Shops from the late 1800's

Messrs Ralph & Son

Carriage & Van Builders & Shoeing Farriers

West Street Deal

Deal Kent Shops from the late 1800's

Mr. R Cockings; Watch, Clockmaker, Jeweller

and Optician. High Street Deal

Deal Kent Shops from the late 1800's

Chas. Watson & Co, Family Grocers & Tea dealers

Wines and Beers; 24 High St Deal

Deal Kent Shops from the late 1800's

Inside the shop

Deal Kent Shops from the late 1800's

Henry Frost; Contractor to HM Government, Ironmonger; Hot and cold water & Sanitary Engineer;

Locksmith; Gas, Electric Bell & Telephone fitter; Cycle Agent; Plumber & Glazier,

Ship Chandler & Ship Smith; Painter & Decorator

54 High Street, & Custom House Lane, Deal. Branch 45 the Strand Walmer

Deal Kent Shops from the late 1800's

Mr Edward Methold; family grocer & Provision Merchant, Tea, wines & Spirits; 25 High St. Deal

Deal Kent Shops from the late 1800's

Mr H J Clarabut; Draper & house furnisher

Waterloo House, High St Deal

Deal Kent Shops from the late 1800's

A W PAGE, Boot & Shoe warehouse

High Street, Deal

Deal Kent Shops from the late 1800's

Mr H J Clarabut; Draper & house furnisher

Waterloo House, High St Deal

Deal Kent Shops from the late 1800's

Mr. frank Daw, Baker cook & confectioner

47 High St, Deal

Deal Kent Shops from the late 1800's

Court Lodge Farm Dairy, Supply of Milk, Cream, Butter etc; Court Lodge, Middle Deal.

10 Broad St. 7 & 9 Duke St, Deal,& Margate

Deal Kent Shops from the late 1800's

John Tapping, Bread and pastry cook, tea rooms

Victoria Road, Deal

Deal Kent Shops from the late 1800's

Mr. E Fredk. Giraud, Printer, Bookbinder, Dealer in toys

Fancy Goods, Marine Library, Beach St. Deal

Deal Kent Shops from the late 1800's

Thos. S Francis, Draper, Carpets,Millenery etc.

London House, 64, 66, & 68 High St. Deal

Deal Kent Shops from the late 1800's

Thos. S Francis, Draper, Carpets,Millenery etc.

London House, 64, 66, & 68 High St. Deal

Deal Kent Shops from the late 1800's

Court Lodge Farm Dairy,

The Sterilizing Room

Deal Kent Shops from the late 1800's

Messr's Nethersole & sons, wine & spirit Importers & Bonders. 114 High St, Deal

Deal Kent Shops from the late 1800's

Mr. W H franklin, wools, sewing machines,draper

stationer etc. 9 High St. Deal

Deal Kent Shops from the late 1800's

Mr. S T Northey, Stationer, Fancy Goods dealer

The Central Library, 35 High St. Deal

Deal Kent Shops from the late 1800's

Mr. E Brockman corn and seed merchant

Horticultural Sundries. 8 Queen St. Deal

Deal Kent Shops from the late 1800's

J W Court & Son, The Deal & Walmer Mineral Water Factory

Deal Kent Shops from the late 1800's

Fred Franklin, Wools, Yarns, Drapery & sewing machines

Albion House, 11 High Street Deal


Mr. H W R Thompson, General Hardwareman

The Stores, 182, 184 & 186 High St. Deal


C B Welden, Tailor and Outfitter

60 High St. & 40 & 42 Middle St

Deal Kent Shops from the late 1800's

Mr. F Lass, Bread, Biscuits & Confectionery. 84 High St. Deal

Deal Kent Shops from the late 1800's

T C Baldwin, Ladies Outfitters, & Milliner

74 High St. & 1 Market St. Deal

Deal Kent Shops from the late 1800's

H W Spicer, Fruiterer, Greengrocer & Pork Butcher

Little Covent Garden, Broad St. Deal

Deal Kent Shops from the late 1800's

Mr J Cavell, Bread & Biscuit Baker, Confectioner

Queen Street Deal

Deal Kent Shops from the late 1800's

S Lyons & Son, Drapers & Milleners

1, 2 & 3 Russell Terrace Walmer


A E Rose, General Military Tailor,Outfitter, Hosier, Hatter etc.

Dover Road Lower Walmer

Deal Kent Shops from the late 1800's

Frederick Ewell, Grocer, Tea Dealer & Provisions

2 Upper Queen Street Deal

Deal Kent Shops from the late 1800's

W A Sawyer, Art Photographer

"Westfield" Dover Road Walmer

Deal Kent Shops from the late 1800's

S Parker, Florist & Nurseryman

Walmer Nursery, Dover Road Walmer

Deal Kent Shops from the late 1800's

Mr. W H Wyborn, Watchmaker & Jeweller,

"Clerkenwell" Walmer

Other Shops of which I have no pictures of from the late 1800's

Mr W Murray, Tobacconist & Cigar Dealer, 3a The Strand Lower Walmer

Mr H V Rose, Family Butcher, 155 High Street Deal, & 48 Strand Lower Walmer

Mr. F C Woodcock, English & Foreign Fruiterer, Florist etc. Drum Hill, Upper Walmer

W Giles, Stationer & Newsagent, Berlin Wool and Fancy Repository.

              Registry Office for Servants, 13 Strand Lower Walmer

Mr A Harris, Wholesale & Retail fruit and Potato Merchant. 7 Strand Walmer

Mr. J W Webb, Family Butcher, High Street Upper Walmer

S Olds, Fly and Town Omnibus Proprieter Livery & Bait Stables, Coach Office; 3 Queen Street Deal

Mr. W H wyborn, Manufacturers Cycle agent, Repairer etc. Showroom Opposite South Barracks Walmer

Mr. R W burnap, Family Bread & Biscuit maker, corn dealer & Co. Upper Walmer

Mr B D Mantle R.C.P. Fellow of the institute of Sanitary Engineers, Plumber,

                                             Gas & Hot water fitter,Upper Walmer

Mr H L Simmonds, Family Grocer and Provision Merchant. Agent for Messrs. W & A Gilbey.

                                   Dealer in China, Glass & Eathernware. 3 & 5 Strand Lower Walmer

Mr H Wood, Chemist, Mineral Water Manufacturer. 8 Strand Lower Walmer

Mr E Atkins, Painter, Glazier, General House Decorator, Oil, Colour & Paper Hanging stores, The strand Walmer

Mr E W Glover, Draper & Millener, The North End Drapery Establishment. 154 High Street Deal

Mr A Parker, Cycle manufacturer and agent, Jubilee Cycle Works, Water Street Deal; Show Rooms; South Street Deal

Mr Thomas Terry, Family Butcher, 25 Queen Street Deal

Mr W Dean Corke, Cabinet maker, Upholsterer, French Polisher. 43 Victoria Road Deal

Mr. Albert S Taylor, General outfitter, 56 Middle Street Deal

Mr C Lindsell, Cycle engineer & Manufacturer, Universal Cycle Provider. Deal

Miss A H Eaton, Berlin wool, Art needlework, Stationary, and Fancy Depot. 94 High Street Deal

Mr W R Turk, Watchmaker, Jeweller and Optician, 104 High Street Deal

Martin & Son, Confectioners, Fancy bread and biscuit Bakers, 132 High Street North deal

Mrs H Cooper, Poulterer and Fishmonger, Licensed Dealer in Game, 78 Beach Street Deal

H C Linsdell, Copper plate, Lithographic & letterpress Printer, Engraver & Die-Sinker,

                        The Victoria Town Printing Works, South Street Deal

John Gibbons, Complete house furnisher and Upholsterer, 23  High Street Deal

Mr T Steed Bayly, Family Grocer & provision merchant. High Street Deal

Mr George Head, Family & Dispensing Chemist. The Deal Pharmacy, 86 High Street Deal

Messrs. W H Brown & Son, Plumbers, Painters, Glaziers, 5 Queen Street Deal

Mr A D Holttum, Family Butcher, 20 High Street Deal

Mr John Burns, military tailor and wollen draper, 63 South Street Deal

W H Franklin, Photographer, Frame maker & Gilder, 3 & 9 High Street Deal

The Misses Crowther, Tobacconists and dealers in cigars, 76 Beach Street Deal

Woodruff & Son, Family Butchers, 44 High Street Deal

W Woodham, Wholesale & Retail Tobacconists & cigar merchant, Confectioner etc. 3 & 5 Broad Street Deal

Mr John Green, Pharmaceutical Chemist, 28 High Street Deal

A E Ralph, Coal & Coke merchants. 24 Queen Street Deal. Coal station S E R Offices 16 Napier Terrace;

                    & at the Railway Station Depot.

W J Miller, Fly & Carriage Propriertor, Job master Livery & Bait Stables.

                     Granville Mews Lower Walmer; Residence and order office. 9a Strand Walmer


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