Pictures and Stories of the Old Days

Old Deal Pictures
Page 3
Old pictures and Cards of Deal on this page have been kindly Donated by Alan and Eileen Taylor of Folkestone Kent

Deal and Upper Walmer
Farmers Stores
King Street, Deal. Major William Booth (founder of the Salvation Army)

Standing outside the shop of A.E. Rose, Tailor & Outfitter, 37 Beach Street

Providence Inn, 1 King Street, Deal

West Street, Deal. left side Horncastle's furniture depository 1904 to 1939. Right, Swan Hotel livery stables 1908 to present. Smith W. Ice Merchant 1908 to 1914.

Central Parade long gone

The Old Crown Inn

The Pier Hotel

Walmer Kent The Parade

Deal Kent Fern Dairy.

Deal Castle.

The Strand Walmer.

St Thomas's Prespretary.

Bandstand and beach.

Beach Street

Deal Kent Ladies Angling Competition Oct4th 1909

Fair Maid of Kent Hotel Walmer.

Parsons outfitters.

Walmer Castle.

The Parade Walmer.

Deal Memorial Hospital.

Deal High street looking South.

The Pier Deal

Deal Kent Pittocks.
Walmer Castle Pub
The Main Gateway Walmer Castle.

The Caxton Home Convelesant

The old pier

Upper Deal Church

The Walmer Convent.

Deal Kent postcard

Deal Kent postcard

The Beach Walmer.

Deal Kent Victoria Road

St Leonards Church

Deal Kent an old Postcard

Deal Kent postcard

Deal Kent postcard. yachting day.

Deal Railway Station